MY ROLE: User Experience Designer


3x Designers,  5x Developers,
1x Product Owner


1. Figma component Library 
2. Design tokens & Style guides
3. Adoption Seminars

CLIENT: Reshita Technology Limited




To give you an idea of our design team, we are three members, two visual designers and a UX designer (me), and we have split all the design, research and testing activities amongst ourselves.

For building the MVP and working together this long we had a fairly strong grip on Doc Aid’s design style and how the components would look and feel.

Now we have outgrown our MVP stage and are expanding our design team (more than doubling)


The Challenge

Ensure that even with added complexity, the Design System remains easy for any designer or developer to understand and use



Design system library references of Atlassian, Shopify, Google and Microsoft

Looking at existing design systems and to take inspiration from, we looked into Atlassian, Polaris (Shopify), Material Design 3 and Fluent Design systems and it was clear that the key elements for creating a design system library were

1. Foundational Elements (Color, Type, Spacing/grids)
2. Component Library (Atomic design, Reusable Components)
3. Documentation (Usage guidelines, Version Control, code snippets)

Upon reviewing our current components’ patterns and styles, though usable for a team of 3, but is very messy and cluttered and needs immediate action to streamline the design process and to make it easier for a new designer to use various assets.



Ultimately, this system is going to be used by designers and developers at Doc Aid, so the three main questions we wanted to answer with this system is

1. What are to be included or defined in this System?

2. How can the users find what they are looking for?

3. How can the designers and developers maintain this library and keep up with updated component versions?



Q1. What are to be included or defined in this System?

First, we included two playbooks, with the foundations being similar for both

(i) For the Brand
(ii) For the Products

I took the lead on Product - Design System and I’ll be talking only about this here.


1. Values & tone of voice
2. Typography
3. Weights & Scale
4. Sizing & Lockups
5. Color Palate
6. Icons & Illustrations

1. Colors (Primitives & Semantics)
2. Typography & Icons
3. Number Scale
4. Materials
5. Components
6. Grids

Venn diagram of brand and product, the intersection is foundations

Q2. How can the users find what they are looking for?

To help users easily find what they are looking for, the following considerations were taken.

(i) Easy-to-understand file structure

(ii) Standardized Banner Thumbnails for each Design File

(iii) Standardized Page names for design files

Below is the File structure on how might designers and developers navigate through to reach where they desire

File sturcture diagram in figma

Project Files

Figma project files page

Project Files> Design Systems

⚙️ EDIT ACCESS: Design & Dev Team Leads
👁️ VIEW ACCESS: Everyone

Figma design systems page

As you can see all the design files have a standard thumbnail.
For Working files, there is a template for new files that can be duplicated and pinned for easy access.
Project Files> Working Files

⚙️ EDIT ACCESS: The assigned design team & Devs
👁️ VIEW ACCESS: Anyone can request

Figma Working filrs page

Page names

Icon meaning for various page names

✅ - Completed & Validated

⚙️ - Work in Progress

🎮 - Prototype

🗃️ - Archive (Previous versions/ Explorations)

🖼️ - Cover
Figma template for page names

To keep all the users on the same page within design and dev teams we introduced status tags that are added to the work file.

The status tags have 5 states:

When the design team are working on it

When the design is completed and ready to be validated

This feature/component can be sent for development

When the feature/component is pushed. The component/feature is then updated in the archive file

This is either flagged after reviewing or in the archive file when the feature/component is updated

Various states of the status bars

Work File Status

Work file status image

Feature life-cycle

Feature life cycle image


Component Library


reduction in  design-prototype-test time for features (*Note: data derived from the teams’ monthly scrum sheets)

I do understand that everything mentioned above was more about the workflow between cross-functional teams rather than the actual design system.

It is as important to have this workflow defined as a part of the design system because what works for 3 people will not work for 30 people but what works for 30 people would work for 3 people.

Please note that here I am explaining the design system using the atomic design framework because it is easy to understand and I haven’t named the components as, foundations/atoms/molecules/organisms but instead are grouped/named based on their functional purpose as it makes more sense for everyone using it.

Design library explanation artwork

1. Foundations 🧬

Foundations of the component library

2. Atoms ⚛️

Atoms of the component library

3. Molecules ⚛️⚛️

Molecules of the component library

4. Organisms 🦠

Organisms of the component library

5. Pages 📄️

Pages of the component library

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Ingenio | Sculpture Installation

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Doc Aid | Patient Management System